Election Rules


Rule 1. Voters. Each voting member of General Convention who was registered and credentialed shall receive information on accessing the electronic voting site prior to the opening of the business meeting.


Rule 2. Election Committee. The Election Committee appointed by the President shall be announced at the business meeting.


Rule 3. Nominations from the Floor. Individuals who are nominated from the floor shall be included on the ballot as long as the nomination met the requirements from the General Administrative Rules. The Nominating Committee Chairman shall read nominations submitted from the floor following the report of the Nominating Committee.


Rule 4. Ballots. Ballots shall contain the names of all nominated candidates.


Rule 5. Voting. Voting shall take place during the General Convention Virtual Business Meeting when instructed by the chair. Voting members, without leaving the electronic meeting, shall transition to the JotForm voting site to cast their votes by electronically selecting the candidate(s) of choice in the election of Fraternity officers or candidates of their choice in the election of District Directors.


Rule 6. Reporting the Election Results. After the voting in the election is closed by the chair, the Election Committee shall meet and prepare the tellers’ report. All members of the committee shall approve the report. The chairman shall report the election results to the Convention body when called upon by the chair.


Rule 7. Parliamentarian. The parliamentarian shall be available to assist the Election Committee if needed.


Rule 8. Preservation of Ballots. The electronic election report shall be provided to the Executive Director, who will destroy it at the close of the General Convention Virtual Business Meeting.